Tour Schedule
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Feel free to browse my schedule. I travel all year. If you find a date that works for you just go to my booking page and set up a date. Click on the Subscribe button and you can have my schedule with you always.
Charlotte, NC. Aug 30th to Sept 1st
Richmond, VA. Sept 1st to Sept 3rd
Virginia Beach, VA. Sept 3rd to Sept 4th
Tyson’s Corner, VA. Sept 4th to Sept 8th
BWI, MD. Sept 8th to Sept 9th
Harrisburg, PA. Sept 9th to Sept 10th
Parsipanny, NJ. Sept 10th to Sept 11th






New York City, NY. Sept 11th to Sept 12th
Long Island, NY. Sept 12th to Sept 13th
White Plains, NY. Sept 13th to Sept 16th
Hartford, CT. Sept 16th to Sept 18th
Waltham, MA. Sept 18th to Sept 23rd
Pittsburgh, PA. Sept 23rd to Sept 25th
Cleveland, OH. Sept 25th to Sept 27th


…more dates coming soon!!! 

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